Hi, I am C. and I am an escort. Today, I intend to narrate my story through this article and help you change your perspective on the life of an escort. Not every escort has been forced into the business, some are like me, who are proud to be one, and here’s why.
I come from a small town near Amsterdam called Ljinden. When I was 16, I eloped with my lover to Amsterdam. We made ends meet by scrubbing toilets or selling happy strips in cafes. With the little money we had, we rented a cottage near the red-light district. Though I was happy, I was aspirational. I wanted to make big in this city of lights. I wanted to have a name to myself for the great work that I do, but I didn’t know what I was good at. One day, he took me for a walk around the Red-Light district. I was fascinated with red lights, beautiful bodies and the attention these women were seeking. I suddenly felt the urge to belong here. This was my place and with a good opportunity, my instincts made me realize that I can make it big here. On the way back home, I spoke to my lover about my interest in being an escort. He was stunned. We had a heated argument and he left me, right there and then, in the middle of the street, in a new country. For the next few days, I toiled around the city asking for work, but to no use. With my baggy clothes and unkept self, no one saw the potential escort in me. One afternoon, due to lack of food at home, I left empty stomached to look for work. This resulted in me passing out on the street, which changed my destiny.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a brothel. Lady Sirona was in-charge there. She smiled at me saying, “Hello darling, would you like to work with me? There is a huge demand for high class escort girl like you with big breast. Do you know that you can make a lot of money, darling”? I knew it then, that my life was about to change. I realized that BBW or Big Breasted Women is a fetish amongst both men and women in Amsterdam. They like large size women with big brown tits, pink vaginas and smooth skin, I had it all. Irrespective of the perspective of the world towards this line of business, I enjoyed every bit of it, so much so that I gifted myself a mansion on the riverside. I wore only luxury brands and sipped on hand-picked coffee from Brazil.
It’s been over 3 years that I am loyal to lady Sirona. She provides the best in brothels from Amsterdam and women from across the world want to work with her. I feel, it was my destiny to be discovered and loved by her. Yes, she is my lover now. I abide by her philosophy of life that we are all born to be loved and love back and hence, no gender should have the power to discriminate love. In my initial days, she made me feel very comfortable with my body and mind. She made me stand in front of the dance studio’s massive mirrors and scream ‘I love you’ every morning. I giggled at first but today, I cannot leave my house without it. It gives me the moral boast to take over the world. She made me admire everypart of all genders. We would often pair up to give and take pleasure. My best encounters with her were in an orgy of shemales. There was so much to love. I believe Shemales have the best of all the worlds. Shemales have the beautiful body of a woman, the strength of a man and the intelligence of both the genders. Most of times, me and Sirona would gang up against our respective partners and get back with each other during our sexual encounters leaving them clueless. We often laughed about this along with working towards improving our services. She has thought me a lot in life and given me first-hand experiences of things, I could never imagine. Today, I am proud to independently run her business as her partner. We have taken over many locations such as hotel escort Amsterdam to maximize the reach of our services. A total over 200 women from around the globe report to me and I am proud to say that they are glad to do what they are doing, which is providing happiness.
Along with Sirona, I have had many lovers. As Sirona would rightly say, “I have so much love to give that it cannot be confined in to one body, so I need to keep spreading it”. My relationships would often last for a few months. The reason being that some wanted to marry me, some used me to show-off to their peers and a few simply ran away after a one-night stand. Today, my parents are aware of my profession. I have apologized to them for eloping at such a young age. But they are glad that I found my calling. They say the only thing they want of their child is true happiness. But this blessing is often followed by a cautionary line to be safe and careful in my line of business. I have moved them closer to me so I can visit them over the weekends and enjoy my mothers’ freshly baked bread.
As a high-class escort and being part of one of the biggest businesses in Amsterdam, I travel around the world. Most of the times, men are happy with our first time performance itself to drive them back to us. They expect us to do everything under the sun to fulfil their fetishes and desires. But my policy is simple to place comfort first. Even, I ask my other colleagues to focus on customer satisfaction by giving them utmost pleasure they need. Sometimes, we share each other’s experiences as well to learn something that might help us making the clients more elated spending time with us.
We live in a world of calamities but ironically, we are unaware that the biggest calamity on human nature is restrictions. The more you restrict; the more is the force to try the unknown and that’s when we escort come as saviours to keep those destructive desires in check and make this world in a shiny happy place.
Proud to work in sex industry -True life story for C -Escort in a Brothel from Amsterdam