Having fun with escorts and basic etiquettes to follow
Amsterdam can be a lot of fun for adults looking for a good time. Speaking of sexual activities, prostitution is legal here. There is a full area dedicated to sex tourism and is known as the De Wallen. It has been the hub for prostitution for a long time due to its location close to the port. Today, prostitution is legalized and workers in the De Wallen are treated as any other worker. You can see the prostitutes in the red windows waiting for customers. While escorts are not exactly prostitutes, yet they are similar and different. Paid escorts are also a part of the city and you can enjoy their services as well. And for this you don’t necessarily have to go the De Wallen. You can get an escort from Beauty Escorts Amsterdam agencyand have an excellent time with them.
Then what or who is an escort?
A prostitute in Amsterdam can sell sexual services as long as there is a permit. While an escort sells more than that. They offer companionship, they listen to you and do things with you which are non-sexual. However, it doesn’t mean that there is no sex. Many escorts do have sex with clients for money, but it isn’t entirely about the sex. A prostitute probably won’t hang out with you for a while, she will just be interested in sex and then be done. But with an escort, if you want to hang out, get dinner or go for a movie you can do all that, plus have sex with zero attachment.
Options when choosing an escort
There are a variety of escort services in Amsterdam and they cater to a variety of customer needs and preferences. You can choose whom you want to go out with or spend time with, select the time and then she is at the discussed location and time. Beauty Escorts has escorts of all genders, race and nationalities. So, if you want someone particular you can just ask for that. Many are highly experienced and professional. And customers do enjoy this under the sheets plus in the way they present themselves. If you need a beautiful model high class for a huge social event, the woman you choose will come prepared for that. If you want a particular sexual fetish met, then you will get someone who is okay with it and is more than happy to satisfy your desires.
If you want to just hang out, do something together like go hiking or just want to be pleasured in your hotel, escorts from our agency are well trained to meet all of requirements, satisfy them and make you more than happy.
Rules – written and unwritten
Now even though you can choose an escort to spend time with or satisfy your sexual desires with, it isn’t necessary that she will do everything you ask for. You need to communicate very clearly what you want and remember that forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do may land you in trouble. If you let the person know prior to their appointment, what your wishes and desires are, it is better. This way they can be prepared on what you want or send someone else who is comfortable fulfilling your desires.
The best way is to let the agency know about your preferences, sexual fantasies, desires and budget. This way they can match you with the best person who will meet your requirements. Even after you are matched with someone, do tell the escort about your desires. Don’t just spring an unexpected surprise on them.
The Basics which you must consider and follow
Meeting an escort may look like you are going on a date, but there are certain basics or etiquettes you must follow. If you are not sure what they are, then here they are:
1) Respect – The person whom you are going out with may be a paid escort, but you must remember that they are personal service providers. It isn’t any less of a business transaction. You are paying for a service, not buying a person, hence you must treat them with respect that is required by any human being. Being with an escort can be an enjoyable expereince but sometimes clients can spoil it with aggressive and rude behaviour. Don’t be forceful or act rough with her. Bad treatment can get you banned from good escort services. If you treat an escort well, she will satisfy you equally well, so it is best for both.
2) Hygiene – Personal hygiene is the very basic thing you must take care of. Sometimes people think that because it is a paid service, they don’t need to make any effort to meet the escort. If you haven’t shaved for five days or showered that day, an escort will notice and may decline to provide her service. Remember by making a payment, you haven’t bound that person to serve you. Try to make a little effort before you meet her, like you would in a real date. Shave, shower, put on clean underclothes etc.
3) Protection – All escorts and prostitutes undergo checks for STDs in Netherlands. The majority of escorts are drug and STD free. This is way safer than hiring a prostitute from the street. An escort from a reputed agency will not have sex without protection like a condom. And this is best for both parties involved. Hence, don’t force an escort for unprotected sex.
4) Camera – Clicking pictures of your escort or making videos of her without her permission are an absolute NO. This has to do with respect and privacy. She has agreed to spend time with you and is paid, but it doesn’t mean you can do whatever you please. A person may be an escort on a part-time job and taking her pictures means a risk for exposure that could affect her life. So be considerate.
5) Payment – Please do pay as agreed with the agency. Do not haggle once the escort shows up at the appointed place and time. Paying by cash is the safest option so keep the cash ready before you meet her. Simply pay as agreed, on time and get done with it.
6) Threesome – Unless you have agreed with the agency for a threesome, do not call someone extra for your meeting. If there are more people than the one person that the escort is supposed to meet, then the escort may refuse her services.
You can enjoy your experiences with an escort in Amsterdam. Beauty Escorts have good and experienced people who will satisfy all your needs and curiosity. But remember the basic etiquettes for the best expereince.