Amsterdam Info Escort Prostitution

History of Prostitution

Prostitution has been a part of modern and ancient cultures and is also known as the oldest profession in the world. The earliest recorded mention of prostitution was as early as 2400BCE where temple brothels were operated. It has also been referenced in the Bible and goes to show that the profession is quite old. Right from the historic city of Pompei to the middle Ages, women and sometimes men have practised sex work. Sex work continues today and most times unregulated, hidden. Very few countries have actually legitimized sex work so that workers can be protected.
The Netherlands is one country where prostitution isn’t illegal. Over the years prostitution in The Netherlands has seen as channel to attract tourists due to energetic population.

Prostitution in the Netherlands

It is legal to be a sex worker in the Netherlands and the industry is regulated. There are advantages to being legally recognized as a profession and one is being protected as a tax paying citizen or resident. There are multiple sex workers who have been working in the Netherlands since the 1900s. Prostitution takes various forms here – street, window, escort service, clubs and home-based prostitution. Sex work has been legalised and there are licensed businesses for this so that sex workers aren’t harmed.

Amsterdam and sex work

The city, much like the country, believes in ensuring the safety and independence of sex workers. The regulations have been designed to combat abuses and have healthy working conditions. Businesses functioning actively in the sex industry are required to apply for a license. Getting this license requires a business plan that shows the measure taken for having hygienic and safe working conditions for sex workers along with making provisions for their health and independence. Rental conditions, business administration, supervision and intake also have to be provided for the license. Refer to prostitution information centre for some detailed information about PIC, founder and the procedures.

Working as an escort or prostitute

If you choose to work as an escort in the Netherlands or Amsterdam then you should know that it is not illegal to work as a prostitute here. Prostitution is a legal profession and it is followed like any other profession. This means there are regulations and taxes are collected like other professions too. This also means that you are protected as a worker and get the same benefits one would, as a citizen of the Netherlands. You also are entitled to a pension, paid leave and medical assistance. If you are working with an agency like us then you will need to be aware of your obligations and rights. The rules are different for sex workers from EEA and those from outside EEA.

Please visit the following link for details

Requirements, rights and documentation

• In order to work as an escort, you need to be at least 18 and if you are in Amsterdam, then 21 years of age. This can be confirmed from a municipality office.
• You must have a resident permit for the Netherlands and not just a tourist visa if you are from a non-EU country. This permit must allow you to freelance as a sex worker.
• You can neither be involuntarily compelled to be a sex worker nor can you be forced to make payments to any third party.

Following are the documents you would need for work.

KVK and bookkeeping
Private companies have to register with the Chamber of Commerce or KVK in the Netherlands. If an individual is earning as a sex worker then he or she may be considered an entrepreneur. All entrepreneurs have to register with the chamber too and pay taxes. You need to register with your business and private address along with a trade name and citizen service number.
If you are going to be in business then you would need to perform bookkeeping as well.
This is the Citizen Service Number which you get once you have registered with the BRP or GBA. You will need the BSN for health insurance, opening bank accounts, or when you start a job. You will also need to register with tax authorities for payment of tax liabilities.
Registering the address is a necessity and it is done at the GBA or General Municipal Administration. This is also known as the BRP or Personal records Database. This register contains the addresses of everyone who has or still lives in the country. You can either your own address or a friend’s address for registration. Of course, you do need your friend’s permission for that.

Important Links:
You can find more information on the following links.
Registration –
Address –
Chamber of Commerce –
Bookkeeping –

Resources and Information
Medical testing

Anonymous and free medical tests are available for sex workers so that they remain in good health. Sex work is risky and the state provides some protection in the form of these tests. You can contact P&G292 for help and information. They are open from 2 to 10 pm. The address is:
Voorburgwal 292
1012 RT Amsterdam
Phone: (020) 531 86 00

SOA AIDS Nederlands
This organisation helps people in diagnosing as well as treating STDs and STIs. From professional workers to normal people can find the support they need from here. They operate with the aim of reducing STI’s, HIV and other infections. They are open on weekdays from 9 am to 5pm. They can be contacted via the following:
Phone: (020) 62 62 669

Free language courses
With P & G292, sex workers can find a lot of support, apart from medical tests. They also offer English and Dutch language courses which are free and even organiseself-care and psychotherapy courses. Please visit the following page for registration or more information:

Beauty escorts Agency is a reputed agency and comply with all laws in the Netherlands. We work with escorts who have willingly joined us. We don’t accept anyone who has been pressured or coerced to work in this profession. If you are aware of anyone who has been forced into sex work or prostitution, please inform the relevant agencies for law enforcement like the police. You can contact the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children as well. Their details are as follows:
Office address:
Turfmarkt 147
2511 DP The Hague
The Netherlands

Mail address:
P.O. Box 20301
2500 EH The Hague
The Netherlands

Phone: (0) 70 370 45 14

Online Resources

If you are new to the Netherlands or require information about topics related to the government, work, justice, travel, safety, healthcare etc, then the government has such information available online. You can find good resources such as guideline for photo IDs, public administration, taxes and grants. The latest news is also displayed and it is a one stop place for all practical information on the Netherlands.
Please use the following link –
Another website is available from twelve ministries who jointly provide the necessary information. These ministries draft policies and rules and one can find such information quickly. Topics such as wages, domestic violence and sustainable energy can be found here as there are regulations and policies in relation to this. To get to this site follow the link –
If you want to know anything in relation to sex work in the Netherlands, then this is the website you need. You can get to know about rights, testing, protection, health and workplaces if you use the link –

Covid-19 Situation in The Netherlands

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all countries have rules and regulations in place. The Netherlands too has some rules that one needs to follow during this time. Sex work is a field that can be especially susceptible to this and you need to be aware of rules as well as the precautions you can take. Please go through the following links for safety and working procedures.

If you travel to Amsterdam and want to infom yourself about CORONA virus situation visit the next website

Beauty Escorts Amsterdam is high class reputable platform for escort advertising .

We work only with independent escorts that do this job unforced and voluntarily. All sex workers register and KVK are alowed to work and offer them services in a legal way , paying taxes and be protected by state of Amsterdam.Over the years we work hard to build our reputation like being one of the best escort agency in Amsterdam .

This page was create to keep all the sex workers informed and help them in every way possible . The content used for this page is copyscape and made by author Writer . The links that we use in this article are public acces links, specilly selected to help and inform the visitators of this website and sex workers.

Beauty Escorts Team